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Tips for a Successful Cold-Calling Campaign

Many small business owners and sales people plow through 100 names per day, but only get two or three promising conversations about of it. That can be incredibly frustrating. But cold-calling does not have to be a source of angst for you. Here are some strategies to ensure that your telemarketing campaign will be a […]

Email Marketing Services for Small Businesses

Small business owners continue to use email marketing because it is an effective way to reach both prospects and customers. It is also a good way to convert your new leads into customers. But what is the best way to get your message out when it comes to email marketing platforms? Here are three email […]

How to Clone Your Customers Using Big Data

How is changing the way small businesses utilize their current customers to find lookalikes. As a small business owner or salesperson, you probably follow a number of steps during your sales process. Ideally, you connect with your prospect, building a relationship that allows them to like and see the value in your product. They […]

Great Dialer Software for Small Business

Small business owners knows that any tool they use should be two things: effective and economical.  It needs to help them succeed without putting a strain on their monetary resources. Lead generation is one of those tools.  Small business owners can use free tools like networking and social media.  They may also choose to invest […]

How to Generate Leads with Social Media

Over half of the marketers using social media to generate leads say that it has helped boost sales.  That would make sense, since on average, marketers spend between four and six hours per week on social media. While lead generation and measuring ROI from social media can be a struggle for marketers, it is clear […]

Tips for Finding Your Target Market

What is the target market for your business? You might have a vague idea, but do you really know? It’s not always as simple as, “I sell suits, so my target market is men.” Knowing your target market is much more specific, like, “I own a suit shop on Newbury Street, my customers are men […]

Small Business Mobile Apps

Five Mobile Apps to Make Your Small Business More Efficient Small business owners are now able to be more productive than ever, thanks to innovative mobile apps on smartphones and tablets.  Many of the over 1.4 million apps are free or relatively inexpensive – making them a budget-friendly addition.  Though there are many apps worth […]


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