Go Double Edged with the Best of Both Print and Digital

Regardless of industry, as an entrepreneur you understand the importance of the arsenal in your marketing department to carve out a successful path to build a customer base. However, the challenges of marketing call for a multitude of efforts, combining in perfect harmony to raise your brand awareness and enhance revenue numbers going forward.

Experience shows that using time-tested print methods with digital options can be great and there is a need to optimize a perfect balance between these two integral cogs of your marketing machine. Infofree.com™ is an easy to use, reliable and affordable tool that makes it easier for you to take your business to greater heights.

Understanding and using direct mail and digital marketing campaigns as interdependent on each other, Infofree goes a long way by offering it through the complementary benefits of each marketing medium.

Most of the targeted population falls somewhere in between these two extremes. Some like to respond to offline marketing because they feel it is more personal. Others prefer online interactions and direct business conversation.

With Infofree.com’s system, you get unlimited sales leads, a free CRM, its proprietary clonelytics software and a mobile application with mapping features.

To provide you with the highest quality lead generation, Infofree business databases are updated every month and are 95% accurate while consumer databases are approximately 90% accurate.

With reliable data from Infofree, you can design and cover both direct mail and digital marketing campaigns. With the free CRM, you can track your success and make lead generation simple and economical.

Using Infofree’s expertise, your business can create cohesion between these two different forms of marketing. This will underpin the overall success of your marketing campaigns, thus proving an effective tool at brand building and awareness.


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