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Why Your Emails are Not Working. Maybe it’s Your Subject Line

Businesses from all sectors rely on digital marketing through many different channels the majority of which comes through email marketing. The problem then lies in the subject line as it’s the first thing a prospect sees before opening the email. Your marketing team concentrates on eye-catching and useful content your prospect will like. It’s never wise to make the assumption that, even if the email was read, there will be a high volume of responses, calls, or actions on your website. In most cases, the act of just deleting the email is much easier than spending the time to look at the content and decide if it’s of any use. That’s why the subject line of your emails is the single most important aspect of the email.


Use these tips to create noteworthy subject lines that will deliver results:


Short and Intriguing 

If you can pack powerful words to raise a question or construct a challenge that elicits an answer with due thought to the prospective target audience, your email is sure to gain attention.


Avoid Spam Essence

The subject line can never contain certain words/phrases, which are identified as spam by the email providers.


Generic – No, Specific – Yes

Your subject line should reflect your business and there should be an inviting tone to open the email to benefit from that. Generic phrases which have been overused by the spam marketing sites must be avoided like plague. Try to stand out and entice your audience with words.


Using/Providing a Blog/Expert Opinion 

Sometimes it works wonders to hand out a blog post or an expert opinion piece on one of the services that you are projecting to the prospects. If the email is opened once and the opinion or expert advice liked, be assured similar content will deliver similar results.


Trial and Error Method

The age-old method “trial and error” for solutions to mathematical equations is a must to implement here. Making a few subject lines and using them to test response rate can be very beneficial.


Concentrate on Questions

Last but not the least is the way to scan inquiries and questions that your sales team receives from present customers or prospective clients over a period of time. If one customer/prospect asks a question rest assured there are others seeking the same advice.

Armed with these, you are ready to use lead generation data provided by and don’t forget to utilize the free CRM101 tool to add, save and use for the best results as you move forward.




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