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Is your company in a direct mail marketing slump? You may feel like giving up on this traditional advertising strategy in favor of email or social media marketing, but don't abandon direct mail just yet. When direct mail pieces are interactive or useful, they often get a great response.

While it can be effective to send a postcard or letter, perhaps it's time for your business to create a truly unique piece of direct mail. Start thinking outside the box and ask business partners or associates to help you brainstorm ideas for an exciting campaign.

Consider some of the fun or interesting things you've received in the mail. Did they include free samples? Were they utilitarian items you could use again? Your direct mail can be a special piece that stands out by providing your customers with entertaining or useful products.

No matter what genius mailer you've dreamed up, it's always a good idea to check postal guidelines. Measure your piece or take a mock-up to the local post office to see if it fits within the standards and determine where it needs to be stamped. This will ensure you don't need to worry about sizing requirements after your piece is printed.

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