Off-Road Marketing Strategies: The Guidelines

Most businesses are running the marketing strategy through emails, cold calls, social media and usual methods out there on the road but try using the following off-the-road guidelines to get excellent results using, the business databases, having 95% accuracy and consumer databases with approximately 90% accuracy.

Research Stage

Using the lead generation lists, it is a good idea to do more search and save to distill your own business list in usually three categories – high, medium and low priorities. Also, depending on the time and budget, your team can address those in that order. Your team will be surprised to find the categorizations evolve and help in the planning stage.


On the basis of monetary values, demographics, age-groups and various other factors which are relevant to your products or solutions. Also, your team can plan a detailed worksheet. Important pointers are to have experts on hand and good listening ears to do the needful when using the personal call strategy. This is also an important planning stage to make sure your team is not shooting in the dark.

Audio Conversations

With con-people and spammers ruling the digital and other allied platforms, a soulful personal call is always welcome. This also works in some businesses better than others so it’s for your team to decide how much this will work. In most businesses, if there is value in providing a solution instead of pushing a solution, there is a welcoming sigh from the prospects.

Use Solution Languages

If your team can do the needful research on the persons at the other end of the call – their lives as human beings, their likes, dislikes and many more factors, you have struck gold. Starting on such a personal note, the words start melting the usual icy reactions.

Personalized Social Media

There are Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions now available. They can provide your team with tools to use the social media with a personal touch. Social media platforms are a goldmine of personal data;  detailing likes, dislikes and other attributes of personalities – and if your team can get a small percentage of that data, your reach out will be super-successful.

Never Give up

Many give up easily and start changing strategies. It’s better to have a sound strategy with flexibility and open-mindedness. Finally, failure is one of the first tastes that a marketing person must learn to take in his/her stride. FAIL, as said by a wise person is First Attempt In Learning (FAIL).

To End

Remember to look at your methods emails, calls, social media among others and make sure to add that personal touch. Be prepared in such a manner that provides a cutting-edge advantage and yields excellent Return on Investment (ROI).  Your monthly overview meetings will start witnessing results as your team learns more and more about the prospects. and creates a plan before dialing the number or contacting prospects via any other means like email or social media.



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