Access Unlimited Sales Leads & Email Lists

Unlimited Sales Leads, Email and Mailing Lists, Business Profiles and Person Search. Plus a Free CRM!

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Want to grow your sales? Use Our…

Want to grow your sales?

Use Our Unlimited
Sales Leads & Email Lists

Unlimited Sales Leads, Email and Mailing Lists, Business Profiles and Person Search, & a CRM

Use Our Unlimited Sales Leads & Email Lists
Unlimited Sales Leads, Email and Mailing Lists, Business Profiles and Person Search, & a CRM

Try before you buy – No Credit Card Required


15 million businesses & 70 million executives complied in house from over 5,000 sources to ensure we have the most accurate business database.


Access 240 million consumers and homeowners in our database. Find the right consumers in your target market.


Make your prospecting a breeze. Find a client you’ve been searching for or enter their information to find more prospects just like them.


A complete prospecting management tool that’s free with an Infofree subscription. Manage your sales leads, take notes, schedule appointments, send emails, and much more.


15 million businesses complied in house from over 5,000 sources to ensure we have the most accurate business database. The only triple-verified database.


Access 240 million consumers and homeowners in our database. Find the right consumers in your target market.


Make your prospecting a breeze. Find a client you’ve been searching for or enter their information to find more prospects just like them.


A complete prospecting management tool that’s free with an Infofree subscription. Manage your sales leads, take notes, schedule appointments, send emails, and much more.

How Infofree Works

Curious how Infofree works? See it in action with a live look into our databases and all the features that come with it.

Hundreds of Filters to Zero-in on Your Best Prospects

With Infofree, you pick your perfect target market. Choose from over 100 databases to find the one that fits you. Then narrow down the results even more with over a dozen filters.

Trusted by over 10,000 companies nationwide

Trusted by over 10,000 companies nationwide

Farmers Insurance
American Senior Benefits
Cartridge World

click above to see a full sample lead profile

All the information you need in one place

Infofree doesn’t scrape data. We compile our own from over 5,000 trusted sources, which helps put us among the most trusted databases available.

Get Your Free Trial Today

24-hour risk-free trial | No credit card required



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Get unrestricted search and view of our entire business and consumer databases

24-hour access

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We do not rent or sell your information. By submitting this form  you are agreeing to Infofree’s Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy

Try Before You Buy – No Credit Card Required

Get unrestricted search and view of our entire business and consumer databases

24-hour access

Phillips Manufacturing Co

4949 S 30th St
Omaha, NE 68107

(402) 339-3800


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