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Infofree Perks

Get Immediate Access to 15 Million+ Businesses

Get Immediate Access to 15 Million+ Businesses

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Businesses Executives

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Small Businesses

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Specialty Databases

Get full business profiles with multiple contact points

177M Addresses

30M Phone Numbers

100M Emails

Get full customer profiles with multiple contact points

177M Addresses

30M Phone Numbers

100M Emails

Over 10,000 happy users

Farmers Insurance
American Senior Benefits
Cartridge World

“I am very happy with the experiences with Infofree. We are getting quality data at a reasonable price. The customer service has been great. I had a few issues and they responded immediately to fix my errors. Josh was so helpful explaining everything.”

-Eric S. | Google Review


“If you are looking for targeted sales leads, the Infofree platform is tough to beat. The data quality is high when compared to InfoUSA, Hoovers or other list brokers, and you can search for the contacts you want. I recommend Infofree without reservation.”


“I have been a user of Infofree for several years now and it just keeps getting better. From the quality of the leads to the customer service to the ability to drill down for a target market…it is just the best!  Don’t waste your time or money with any of the other options out there.”


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