Business & Executive Leads

Find the Right Industry to Market Your Business to With Our Database

With a database of 20 million businesses & 53 million executives you’ll find the business leads you need. Infofree compiles its own data in-house, ensuring we have the most accurate business database. We are continuously updating through multiple channels to bring you triple-verified data.

Business Counts

Business Leads

Find the Right Industry to Market Your Business to

With a database of 15 million businesses you’ll find the leads you need. Infofree complies its own data in-house ensuring we have the most accurate business database. We are continuously updating through multiple channels to bring you triple-verified data.

Business Counts

Filter Your Search

With a variety of search selections you’ll narrow down the list of prospects from our business leads list to fit your specific needs. Business executives, owners, managers, and moreĀ  available by title and department.

Search our entire database by any geographical criteria, type of business, SIC code, employee size, annual sales volume, or credit rating.

Business Search Filters

The Only Triple-Verified Business Database Ever Compiled!

Infofree sources data signals from thousands of sources to keep hundreds of attributes up to date for you. From small businesses to Fortune 500 companies, our business records are constantly being updated to assure you get access to your most comprehensive target audience with the most accurate contact information for the specific contact youā€™d like to reach.

We will never rely on a single signal or data source to update its business listings.Ā  The data signals received from publicly available sources are verified via primary research processes providing at least two additional verifications.

The Only Triple-Verified Business Database Ever Compiled!

Infofree sources data signals from thousands of sources to keep hundreds of attributes up to date for you. From small businesses to Fortune 500 companies, our business records are constantly being updated to assure you get access to your most comprehensive target audience with the most accurate contact information for the specific contact youā€™d like to reach.

We will never rely on a single signal or data source to update its business listings. The data signals received from publicly available sources are verified via primary research processes providing at least two additional verifications.

Triple Verification
Business Search Results

Finding Business Leads

1. Sign in to Infofree
2. Select a Business list
3. Choose your Geography
4. Pick the industry or industries youā€™d like to target
5. Narrow by employee size or sales volume
6. Choose any additional selects

View your curated list of business leads!

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